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Capitalize on the Fastest Growing Sector of the Stock Market, Second Edition (Hardcover)
by Andrew McHattie   Rating: ISBN-10: 027303751X

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iShares S&P U.S. Mid-Cap Index ETF XMC.U 46435J 11 4 CA46435J1140
iShares S&P U.S. Mid-Cap Index ETF Cad-Hedged XMH 46435K 10 3 CA46435K1030
iShares S&P US Small-Cap Index ETF XSMC 464287 88 7 CA4642878876
iShares S&P US Small-Cap Index ETF Cad-Hedged XSMH 46436H 10 9 CA46436H1091
iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF XIU 46428D 10 8 CA46428D1087
iShares S&P/TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index ETF CDZ 46433F 10 6 CA46433F1062
iShares S&P/TSX Canadian Preferred Share Index ETF CPD  46431G 20 5 CA46431G2053
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Consumer Staples Index ETF XST 46431P 10 6 CA46431P1064
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Energy Index ETF XEG 46428C 10 0 CA46428C1005
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Financials Index ETF XFN 46431B 10 7 CA46431B1076
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Information Technology Index ETF XIT 46428N 10 6 CA46428N1063
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Materials Index ETF XMA 46431E 10 1 CA46431E1016
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Reit Index ETF XRE 46431D 10 3 CA46431D1033
iShares S&P/TSX Capped Utilities Index ETF XUT 46431M 10 3 CA46431M1033
iShares S&P/TSX Completion Index ETF XMD 46430H 10 5 CA46430H1055
iShares S&P/TSX Composite High Dividend Index ETF XEI 46431L 11 3 CA46431L1133
iShares S&P/TSX Global Base Metals Index ETF XBM 46431T 10 8 CA46431T1084
iShares S&P/TSX Global Gold Index ETF XGD 46428M 10 8 CA46428M1086
iShares S&P/TSX North American Preferred Stock Index ETF Cad-Hedged XPF 46431J 10 0 CA46431J1003
iShares S&P/TSX Smallcap Index ETF XCS 46429D 10 7 CA46429D1078
iShares Short Duration High Income ETF CAD-Hedged CSD 46430G 40 4 CA46430G4043
iShares Short Term Strategic Fixed Income ETF XSI 46435B 10 3 CA46435B1031
iShares Silver Bullion ETF Hedged Common SVR 46434E 11 6 CA46434E1161
iShares Silver Bullion ETF Non-Hedged Common SVR.C 46434E 12 0 CA46434E1203
iShares U.S. Dividend Growers Index ETF CAD-Hedged CUD  46433G 10 4 CA46433G1042

iShares U.S. Fundamental Index ETF CLU.C 46433B 10 5 CA46433B1058
iShares U.S. Fundamental Index ETF  CLU 46433B 20 4 CA46433B2049
iShares U.S. High Dividend Equity Index ETF XHU 46434Y 10 4 CA46434Y1043
iShares U.S. High Dividend Equity Index ETF Cad-Hedged XHD 46434B 10 4 CA46434B1040
iShares U.S. High Yield Bond Index ETF Cad-Hedged XHY 46430D 10 4 CA46430D1042
iShares U.S. High Yield Fixed Income Index ETF Cad-Hedged CHB 46432G 10 5 CA46432G1054
iShares U.S. IG Corporate Bond Index ETF Cad-Hedged XIG 46429Q 10 8 CA46429Q1084
iShares U.S. Small Cap Index ETF Cad-Hedged XSU 46430R 20 2 CA46430R2028
iSign Media Solutions Inc ISD 46432X 10 8 CA46432X1087
Isodiol International inc ISOL 46500L 20 0 CA46500L2003
IsoEnergy Ltd ISO 46500E 10 7 CA46500E1079
Isracann Biosciences Inc IPOT 46501D 10 8 CA46501D1087
Israel Capital Canada Corp IL.P 46503P 10 9  
Itafos IFOS G49715 10 8 KYG497151087
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd IVN 46579R 10 4 CA46579R1047
Ivor Exploration Inc IVOR 46588Y 10 8 CA46588Y1088
Ivrnet Inc IVI 465891 10 9 CA4658911090
Izotropic Corporation IZO 46604F 10 9 CA46604F1099


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Warrant Terms
Expiration Date
The last day the warrants can be exercised. If warrants aren'tgoing to be exercised then they must be sold the day before the expiry date. The longer the time to expiry the more valuable the warrants.
The leverage of a warrant is a measure of how much you can increase your exposure to a share if you bought warrants instead of making a direct investment. It is current share price by the current price of the warrant.
Intrinsic Value
The difference between the exercise price and the actual trading price of the common stock. Once the common has gone over the exercise price the warrants are said to be in the money.
The higher the volatility rating the higher the price of the warrant will be. A measure stock price changes a specific period of time Historical volatility is calculated by using the standard deviation of an underlying stock price. In the Money When the price of the common is higher than the exercise price
Time Value
The time value is the difference between the current warrant and its intrinsic value The time value is to be interpreted as the consideration paid for the advantage that the warrant buyer has over the direct investor.

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