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Warrants Alert

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Warrant Symbol - PES.WT
Number  Trading - 500,000
Expiration Date -
Cusip -

Warrants called to trade news:
1991-06-19 16:25 MT - EOP Completed
Effective date:  June 10 1991
Offering date:  June 19 1991
Expiry date:  December 9 1991
Trade date:  June 20 1991
Offering:  500,000 units consisting of one share and one warrant
Price:  $1.10
Wt to buy one share:  Five
Wt exercise price:  $1.10
Wt expiry date:  June 22 1992
Agents:  Pacific International
Agents Wt:  For 200,000 shares
Wt exercise price:  $1.10
Wt expiry date:  One year from trade date
Directors:  G. Pesava, R. Echerer, R. Rothbauer
Trading symbol:  PES
Security No:  539629
Cusip No:  715906 10 3
Wt trading symbol:  PES.WT
Wt security No:  908127
Wt Cusip No:  715906 11 1
Unit security No:  864569
1991-06-18 16:01 MT - EOP Date Fixed
Effective date:  June 10 1991
Offering date:  June 19 1991
Expiry date:  December 9 1991
Trade date:  Tba
Offering:  500,000 units consisting of one share and one warrant
Price:  $1.10
Wt to buy one share:  Five
Wt exercise price:  $1.10
Wt expiry date:  One year from trade date

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