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Warrants Alert


Capitalize on the Fastest Growing Sector of the Stock Market, Second Edition (Hardcover)
   by Andrew McHattie   Rating: ISBN-10: 027303751X

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Warrant Symbol - DLG.WT.A
Number  Trading - 1,500,000
Expiration Date -
Cusip - 24668C 11 4

Warrants called to trade news:
1992-01-06 15:51 MT - EOP Conditional Listing
Effective date:  January 6 1992
Offering date:  Tba
Expiry date:  June 17 1992
Trade date:  Tba
Offering:  550,000 non-flow through units consisting of one share and two A warrants; 200,000 flow through units consisting of one flow through share and two A warrants
Price:  $0.40 per unit
Wt to buy one share:  Two
Wt exercise price:  $0.40 in year one; $0.46 in year two
Agents:  Yorkton (500,000 non-flow through units and 200,000 flow through units); Pacific International (50,000 non-flow through units)
Agents Wt:  For 187,500 shares (Yorkton 170,455; Pacific 17,045)
Wt exercise price:  $0.40 in year one; $0.46 in year two
Directors:  Tba
Trading symbol:  DLG
Security No:  216682
Cusip No:  24668C 10 6
Wt trading symbol:  DLG.WT.A
Wt security No:  886158
Wt Cusip No:  24668C 11 4
Unit security No:  842631
FT security No:  216683
FT Wt security No:  842632
1992-01-06 15:34 MT - EOP Conditional Listing

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