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Warrant Symbol - WEL.WT.A
Number  Trading -
Expiration Date - August 31 1994
Cusip - 9618L 11 7

Warrants called to trade news:
1992-09-28 16:31 MT - New Listing
The class A common shares and warrants of the company will be posted for trading on the ASE at the opening September 29 1992.
Trading symbol:  WEL.A
Security code:  ISM - 734 164; WCCC - 734 170
Cusip No:  9618L 10 9
Transfer agent:  Montreal Trust Company of Canada
Trading symbol:  WEL.WT.A
Security code:  ISM - 920 780; WCCC - 920 170
Cusip No:  9618L 11 7
Transfer agent:  Montreal Trust Company of Canada
Wt expiry:  Each warrant is exercisable for one class A share at $1.50 to August 31 1994
