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Warrants Alert
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Warrants of the week:
Highest Leveraged: OGE.WT
Highest Volatility: TRT.WT
Biggest Bargain: RF.WT
*based on calculations only
Warrants Expiring 
SRX.WT 21-Sep-10
EIT.WT 23-Sep-10
OFS.WT 30-Sep-10
NRK.WT 30-Sep-10
TRT.WT 10-Oct-10
GBG.WT.A 15-Oct-10
PUP.WT 15-Oct-10
SBC.WT 22-Oct-10
LFE.WT 27-Oct-10
PUP.WT.A 29-Oct-10
FCR.WT.A 29-Oct-10

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